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CAPLYTA is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with schizophrenia.

Learn more about who CAPLYTA may help

Although the exact way CAPLYTA works is unknown, it is thought to affect different brain‑signaling chemicals to help control schizophrenia symptoms.

Learn more about how CAPLYTA works

CAPLYTA savings & cost

  • Medicare and Medicaid will cover the cost of CAPLYTA for eligible people:

    • Medicare Part D and Medicaid: CAPLYTA is covered for more than 99% of people

    • Commercial Insurance:

      • Covered for ~90% of people with Commercial Insurance.1

      • Those with Commercial Insurance may pay as little as $0 for their first two fills, up to a 30-day supply, and $15 for subsequent fills up to a 90-day supply. Learn more about CAPLYTA insurance coverage.

Did you know that there are cost and savings resources for eligible* patients?

Learn about a savings offer

*This offer is valid for eligible new or existing patients who are filling a prescription for CAPLYTA. Eligible patients must be 18 years of age or older, residents of the U.S., excluding Puerto Rico and have a valid prescription for CAPLYTA for a Food & Drug Administration approved indication. This Savings program is valid ONLY for patients with private commercial insurance and NOT valid for prescriptions reimbursed under Medicaid, a Medicare drug benefit plan, TRICARE, or other federal or state health programs. Offer is only good at participating retail pharmacies. Offer is not transferable, is not insurance, has no cash value, and may not be used in combination with other offers. Void if prohibited by law, taxed, or restricted.

All participants are responsible for reporting the receipt of all Program benefits as required by their insurance provider. No party may seek reimbursement for all or any of the benefit received through this Program. Intra-Cellular Therapies reserves the right to rescind, revoke or amend the Program without notice at any time. Additional eligibility criteria apply. Click here for full Eligibility Criteria and Terms & Conditions.

1Data on File.

The Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC), also known as list price, is $57.00 per CAPLYTA capsule and $1,709.94 per bottle.* However, WAC may not reflect the price paid by patients or insurers. Patients with insurance may pay less than the WAC price.

Learn more about the cost of CAPLYTA

Did you know that there are cost and savings resources for eligible patients?

Learn more about savings

*Source: AnalySource® 01/01/2025 as reprinted with permission by First Databank, Inc. All rights reserved. ©2025

Please see Eligibility Requirements and Terms & Conditions

Side effects

Weight change on CAPLYTA was similar to placebo in short-term trials. In a long-term study, patients on CAPLYTA for one year had an average weight loss of 7 pounds.

CAPLYTA, like other drugs used to treat schizophrenia, may cause problems with your metabolism, including high blood sugar, diabetes, increased fat (cholesterol and triglyceride) levels in your blood, and weight gain. Your doctor should check your blood sugar, fat levels, and weight before you start and during your treatment with CAPLYTA. Extremely high blood sugar levels can lead to coma or death. Tell your doctor if you have symptoms of high blood sugar, which include feeling very thirsty, hungry, sick to your stomach, weak/tired, or needing to urinate more than usual. Each drug has its own specific risk profile.

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The most common side effects with CAPLYTA are sleepiness (24%) and dry mouth (6%). In clinical trials, sleepiness was predominantly mild. Follow your healthcare provider's direction on when and how to take CAPLYTA. CAPLYTA can cause sleepiness and trouble concentrating. Until you know how CAPLYTA affects you, do not drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities.

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How to take CAPLYTA

CAPLYTA is a once-daily pill to be taken with or without food.

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Your healthcare provider may tell you what time of day or night is best for you to take CAPLYTA. CAPLYTA can cause sleepiness and trouble concentrating. Until you know how CAPLYTA affects you, do not drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities.

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